The purpose of Domain Name System

Domain Name System – Definition

The Domain Name System is also frequently called shortly DNS, is a decentralized hierarchical infrastructure. Thanks to it, the Internet is as simple and easy for people as it is nowadays. At its core, it includes a database with all of the existent domain names and the IP addresses associated with them.

When a user wants to visit a particular website, types its domain name. That triggers a long DNS process for finding its IP address (IPv4 or IPv6). The domain name has to be translated because machines don’t communicate with words but only with numbers. After the corresponding IP address of the domain name the user wants to visit is found, the browser is able to connect to the website. 

Back in the days when the Domain Name System was not designed yet, it was a little bit more complicated to reach a website. It was necessary for users to type the long and difficult IP address, like, rather than a simple domain name, such as Imagine what a memory challenge it was! The Domain Name system gave the opportunity for people to interact with the domain names and allowed machines to connect with their comfortable language (IP addresses).

History and components of DNS

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